Why am I doing this?: Threshold Workouts

Let’s be honest, workouts are hard. Some more than others; so wouldn’t it be nice to know why they’re so hard. 

Threshold or T Pace is an effort that’s basically at the edge or slightly over your aerobic capacity or lactic threshold. Past this point, your body can’t get enough oxygen to your running muscles and instead uses your non-oxygen energy systems (anaerobic) to meet its needs. Too much of this and you eventually bonkhit the wallfeel the burn.

To get better managing this, you need to learn how to handle the fire

Think of it like weightlifting: You lift a slightly heavier weight than you’re used to so you can get stronger; making it easier to lift it later on as well as lift lighter weights for more reps. The same applies for your Threshold workouts: You’ll run faster more effortlessly and your easier day’s will feel waaaay easier too.

Threshold workouts help increase your VO2Max, reduce your feelings of effort at all paces, and boost your confidence that you can handle tougher paces in training and races. 

Most of your workouts will be in the form of Fartleks *Snicker,* and Tempo Runs. Basically, you’ll either run shorter intervals of faster paces with easy recoveries (3 min on/3 min off) or longer intervals with equally shorter recoveries between (6-20 min on/ 3-10 min off). 

So next time you see I programmed Threshold or T Pace for you, maybe think “Thank you” instead of “F*** you.” 
Happy Running!


How to Create Workouts on Garmin Connect


The (not so sexy) Secret To Success in Running