Our Team of Coaches

Meet Coach Ambyr

Twenty years ago, I embarked on my first run, struggling to complete even a mile without stopping. Surprisingly, as I continued to train, I fell in love with running and discovered it as an inclusive space where everyone felt accepted, regardless of their pace or background. This philosophy resonated deeply with me, and I realized that as I continued on my fitness journey, I wanted to help others experience the same sense of belonging.

I began my running career participating in 5k's and 10k's, with the Boulder Boulder 10K in Colorado holding a special place in my heart. Upon relocating to Pittsburgh, I decided to challenge myself further and ventured into the world of marathons. Gradually, I found my passion lay in long-distance races, prompting me to focus on enhancing my speed and endurance. My dedication paid off, and I transitioned from running 4-hour marathons to achieving top 3 placements overall for women and my age group. During this time, I also discovered my innate ability to pace marathons, becoming a regular 4-hour and 3:45 pacer, while also volunteering as a pacer for various half-marathons, 10k's, and 5k's, always cherishing the opportunity to help others achieve their goals.

Then, my journey took another exciting turn as I delved into the realm of trail ultra-marathons, where I found even greater enjoyment and success than in traditional marathons. The extensive training and nutritional knowledge required for this challenge captivated me, leading to frequent top 3 placements in ultra-marathons. In my five-year exploration of the United States, I ran numerous 50k's and 100k's, connecting with fellow enthusiasts and acquiring invaluable insights into training for these demanding races. To this day, the 50k remains my favorite race distance.

After my incredible experiences with ultra-marathons, I felt inspired to explore new challenges and broaden my horizons further. I embarked on an exciting journey into the world of triathlons. I found myself drawn to the multi-disciplinary nature of the sport, where swimming, cycling, and running converged to test one's physical and mental endurance. I immersed myself in triathlon training, determined to conquer this new endeavor. As a result, I proudly completed two 70.3 Ironman events, pushing myself to new limits and discovering strengths I never knew I had. 

In 2019, I embraced coaching, working with athletes of all levels of ability, from 2-mile Army PT tests to ambitious runs across the state of Tennessee. Much like my experience with pacing, coaching opened new avenues for me to support athletes through their training journeys, sharing in their triumphs and guiding them through challenges. Witnessing their growth and development brought me immense joy, and I took pride in leveraging my expertise to tailor personalized training plans, emphasizing individual strengths and addressing specific needs.

Whether it's pounding the trails in an ultra-marathon or conquering the land, water, and road in a triathlon, my journey as an athlete and coach continues to thrive on the principles of inclusivity, perseverance, and supporting others in their pursuit of greatness. I am excited to share this passion with athletes like you, as we work together to achieve your aspirations and create lasting memories through the world of endurance sports.

I firmly believe in the importance of a strong coach-athlete partnership, recognizing that each athlete is unique, with distinct schedules, abilities, and requirements. This understanding drives me to create the most effective and customized training plans for every individual I work with. If you're seeking guidance and support to achieve your goals, I would be thrilled to collaborate with you on your journey of growth and success. Let's work together and make your dreams a reality.